+91 90 90 90 2044


Interesting Case Series High Risk
Pregnancy : Our Experience


We received challenging and difficult cases from across the region in very first three months proved beyond doubt the necessity of such unit.

Cases referred were either of two main categories

1. Reffered pre-operatively because they were high risk cases from medical or surgical or both grounds.

2. Reffered post-operatively after complication during difficult surgeries.

We are highlighting few of them.

Case 03

Primi patient having PIH was delivered in periphery. Developed vaginal hematoma which was palpable suprapubically in left side so laparotomy done and vaginal exploration done. After 3 days hematoma redeveloped for which re-exploration done. After few days patient had fever and hematoma again so referred to us.

Case 04

Patient had LSCS before 1 month referred to us with septic shock
T – 101 f, P – 158 / min, BP – 70 mm Hg systolic

Previously admitted in various hospitals for fever, abdominal pain and giddiness

USG – Gross collection in abdominal cavity
? – Ascitic fluid
? – Pus

Laparotomy done – Pus

Dehision of uterine stitch line

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